Senior Singles Dating Need To Think Differently
Today’s senior singles need to think outside of the box to find their perfect mate. If you are a single woman over 40, 50 or 60 and want to meet good available men you need to be creative. March to your own drum so to speak. The reason so many senior women are not meeting the good guys is they are doing what every other mature woman is doing to meet men.
They are signing up on senior online dating sites, they are going to single meet ups. Others are running ads on craigslist personals and some are going to seniors speed dating events. A smaller percentage of older women join other cougars in hopes they will find true love with a younger man. The problem is hanging out with the herd does not set you apart from any other senior single woman.
Think of it this way. If you go to the supermarket to get a box of cereal, as you enter the cereal aisle you have a ton of choices, right?
Related: Here is a list of websites to find your perfect mature match:
Philippines Mature Personals
Czech Mature Personals
Sweden Mature Personals
Thai Mature Personals
Japanese Mature Personals
Russian Mature Personals
Puerto Rico Mature Personals
Spainish Mature Personals
Canadian Mature Personals
American Mature Personals
If you want to switch from the cereal you typically buy and you are checking out the other options available how will you decide between so many choices? Basically each box on every shelf is cereal: one doesn’t really stand out from the others, would you agree?
However, if you were in the bread aisle and you suddenly noticed this attractively packaged cereal box amongst the bread you would probably take it off the shelf to get a closer look. Since you are not looking at bunches of other cereal boxes in this bread aisle this cereal box has got your undivided attention.
Are you getting the picture?
If you are of the herd mentality, you show-up at the same places that other senior women go and you discover that it is challenging to stand out from all the other mature women.
But if you show up where these women don’t go then you will get noticed and will have the undivided attention of the men who are there. This is exactly what I mean when I say senior singles need to think outside of the box. One of the tips for women from men is to let the real you blossom and bloom.
Get a senior Dating Attitude Adjustment
But the first thing you need to adjust is your attitude and priorities.
The Attitude I’m speaking about is…
How you show up in the world.
Are you perceived as a friendly, warn approachable woman when out in public as you go about your daily routine?
Or do you appear pre-occupied, busy, shutdown and not approachable as you go about your day?
Start from this point forward noticing your attitude and that will explain a lot of what is or what is not working in you dating life.
It’s not rocket science! Think about it, the more interactions you have with others (men and women) the more opportunities will come your way to meet some great available men.
So when you walk out your door with an attitude of:
I’m open and look forward to seeing what new people I will meet and interact with today.
Do I hear some skeptics out there saying this is ridiculous?
Ain’t gonna happen, I will not meet Mr. Right this way. Well, hey, don’t take my word for it! Just try it for yourself and see what happens, what do you have to lose? And right along with attitude is priority. How much of a priority on the scale of everything else in your life is finding the one?
In other words, is meeting great available men at the top of your list when you compare to all the other things you consider priorities at this moment in time, or is it at the bottom of list?
Or does it even show up on your priority list??
Okay, I think I’ve made my point.
The Trick For Senior Singles…
The best dating advice for women is dare to be different, to be yourself and to give yourself permission to adjust your ‘attitude’ a bit. If your attitude and priority are not in alignment with finding a good partner then don’t be surprised when it never happens.
But on the other hand if your intention is fully focused and targeted to take action, than understand that today’s senior singles need to think outside of the box to find their perfect